Admission Process

The school Prospectus and admission form are available from the school office in the month of March, April and June for the ensuing year.

  • No System of registration a year or more in advance is in existence in the school.
  • Admission tests are normally held in the month of March & June.
  • A Registration Fee is payable with the submission of the registration form for admission per student. This fee is non refundable and non- adjustable. The payment of the fee does not guarantee admission into the school. The admission can be sought after qualifying the admission test.

    Admission will be considered on production of following documents:-

    A student name and date of birth, as recorded in the transfer certificate are official and legal and may not be changed subsequently by the school authority.

  • Proof of Date of Birth
  • Latest Progress report card of the student.
  • Transfer Certificate.
  • If any of student, fails to return to school after any vacation with in three days of the official date of opening without certified intimation to and written permission of the principal, his/her name will be stuck off from the school rolls.

    The school reserves the rights of change in the fees any time in the academic year.
