It is an integral part of the total education of any child and is closely linked to other creative and learning experiences and skill acquisition. It makes a significant contribution to the all-round harmonious development of the mind and body. It also helps students to develop the competencies and beliefs necessary for incorporating regular physical activities into their lives. Through involvement in a well-taught physical-education program, students can achieve physical and personal benefits. We all know that regular physical activity provides numerous health benefits for learner bodies and lower blood pressure to improved mental health and cognitive functioning. Quality physical education means a planned program of instruction and activity for all students through the entire school year. It helps students:
- To develop personal physical fitness and hence bone growth.
- To learn variety of activities that will enhance life-long learning and participation.
- To exhibit more positive attitudes about school, physical activity and self.
- To have less aggressive behaviors.
- To display positive attitudes towards an active life style
- To achieve a health-enhancing life of physical activity.
- To understand and respect individual differences among people in physical setting.
To make physical education more meaningful at GPS it is offered with regularity. The importance of daily periods is recognized and achieved wherever possible. The current offering for primary schools are: Cricket, Football, Kho-Kho, Chess ect.